Why did OBama take Marine One THEN Air Force One for a ten minute flight to Virginia?
? He is the only president EVER to fly from WA DC to VA. Let alone in 2 aircraft!! Could he really crap any more on people in need about now? Freezing people, hungry people? LOLA'S PARTY, THE DEMOCRATS STARTED THE KKK
Elections - 15 Answers
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1 :
Yeh, it was south virginia, so it was longer than 10 mins, but I too was wondering why he used a 747 to go such a little distance. I would have thought Marine One would have been fine for the distance involved. Also, the time inolved was much longer because he had to stop and change aircraft. A hugh expense for no reason, but he does have the right to use it.
2 :
Each President will get a different routine and approach by the secret service.
3 :
Big spender and does not care about the carbon problem but wants everyone to abide by the rules. He and Al Gore are two of the same.
4 :
He planted a bomb on Marine One, so he had to get off of it.
5 :
I don't follow right wing propaganda very closely, so I don't know why he would, if indeed he did, but I am sure there would be a valid reason that would be totally ignored by the right wing propaganda machine any way.
6 :
The traffic around the WMA is horrible. Had he gone by motorcade, major roads would have been closed, and he was hours away by car to where he was going, so can you imagine the chaos and gridlock that would have caused. And remember, >10 trillion in debt is all Bush's fault, 9/11 was during his watch too, and the stupidity of the war, no WMD in Iraq, and now Iran has no fear of Iraq, so the problems facing us will last generations. Sorry you swallowed the Kool-Aid.
7 :
devdog says it BEST~
8 :
maybe he just likes to fly more than ride or drive
9 :
"a less safer" I rest my case.
10 :
11 :
*Points and laughs at Lola*
12 :
It's FREE! He doesn't care about America... He wants to get into all freebies before his time is Up! Let him take as many free rides on Air Force One or a barge, 4 years from now he will be back driving his old junker!
13 :
He probably did the navigating and kept getting lost.
14 :
Careful, don't assume they take the most obvious, direct route. That's all I'm saying.
15 :
For the same reason George W. Bush did: because it's part of the protocol for Presidential travel, which is unchanged under Obama. And Obama flew to Williamsburg. It's about a one hour flight, not ten minutes--too far for a helicopter. Try learning georgraphy before you accuse people of things.
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