Monday, November 1, 2010

Trying to book a flight to get my mom cross country for Delivery..

Trying to book a flight to get my mom cross country for Delivery...?
I'm in california, my mom is in Virginia. We're trying to book a flight so she can be here for (or real close to) time of delivery. The problem is - the window of possible delivery is so big... Does "birth" count as an emergency illness to get the discount last-minute airfare? Anyone else had this problem - or found a different solution? I know inducing is an option, but we dont want to do that. Some have "serious illness" discounts, and they very basically define it as "needing emergency hospitalization"... isnt that - technically - what delivery is? The window is so large because the baby is large for her age and really cramped in there - and a lot of people think she might be early. But since its my first child, statistically - shes going to be late. So between 37 and 42 weeks - thats a big window!!
Pregnancy - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Nope, just death.
2 :
Call the airlines and ask if there is any kind of deal for this--they might have something that is unadvertised, or work with you in some way.
3 :
My cousin works for an airline and she says no, birth is not an emergency illness. How big is the window for your delivery? Usually, when there's been more than 1 estimated due date, the dates aren't that far apart. My advice, have her here closest to the due date you were given with your FIRST ultrasound. (your dating scan) Those are usually the most accurate.
4 :
When i delivered my son 2 1/2 years ago, my mom was able to get the medical emergency discount on US Airways. We called her at 5am, and she was here several hours before I delivered. You should be able to call the major airlines that fly into your airport to see if they offer this. With the way they are trying to save money right now, I hope they will be cooperative. Edit: She had called weeks in advance to confirm that they would offer her the discounted rate. Also, consider that you and your partner will be at the hospital - you may need to make ground transportation arrangements. We hired a towncar to pick my mom up and bring her to the hospital.
5 :
I don't think that delivery counts as an emergency. But many airlines offer open date tickets so that your mom can fly out when she gets the news. Also, has last minute flight deals (I flew from Florida to Oregon for $218 once) which she can take advantage of since she's just one person.

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