Sunday, March 14, 2010

How Can I Survive A Transatlantic Flight

How Can I Survive A Transatlantic Flight?
I live in Belfast. Me & my family are flying from Belfast International Airport to London Heathrow. Then we are flying from Heathrow to Dullus, Virginia. Can you please give me some tips to help me survive this flight? It is expected to last nine hours. Also, the flight home is overnight, so tips for that would be appreciated too. Thank you so much :] I'm scared about taking sleeping pills... after all, it IS a drug... And I have an aisle seat. :]
Air Travel - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
earplugs! also you should be able to watch movies on overnights bring stuff to do and have a window seat
2 :
keep an eye on that guy at the back muttering something about "infidels" to himself
3 :
Take a sleeping pill. Make sure you have enough reading material and music and movies (if you have devices for that). Bring snacks. Make sure you walk up and down the aisles every hour or so so that your blood flows and your muscles get stretched. But the best is the sleeping pill :)
4 :
I once had a trip from Boston, Massachusetts to Hong Kong, which lasted 14 hours. The good thing was that everyone got a personal television for movies inbedded in the headrest. With a recent 6 1/2 hour flight still on my mind, my best suggestion would be to bring a good, new book. Not one you pick at the airport, but one that you might be antisipating to read. If that runs out, I would sleep, draw on some paper, listen to music or surf the web. You could bring a mini-computer or a laptop with Wi-Fi.
5 :
Either wear earplugs, or get noise cancelling headphones. I have the headphones - they're great for listening to music without engine noise getting in the way. Your plane will have a little screen in the back of each seat. If you're lucky, this will have a wide selection of movies, TV and so on to watch. This can easily eat up the whole flight. On the way back, getting to sleep is a personal thing - if you can sleep in a chair, then you'll be OK.
6 :
Earplugs are helpful. I bring a small bottle of lavender oil with me, helps me to relax and sleep. You might want to avoid anything with caffeine the day of the trip, coffee, tea, cola drinks or chocolate. A neck pillow can be helpful too, and if you wear or bring a Pashmina scarf it can help keep you warm if the blanket is not enough. I also bring some chewing gum, breath mints, Rolaids, and a few small snacks like dried almonds or crisps, buy bottled water post-security before you get on your international flight. Ginger candies or ginger ale is helpful if you feel your stomach is a bit queasy. I bring a magazine, a book to read, a puzzle book & pencil, a small notebook with colored pens to draw and write in too. It helps waiting in the airport. I bring a small LED flashlight or key chain flashlight in case the overhead lights are turned down and I need to get something from my purse. One thing I've found that helps is not to eat much the day before the flight, the equivalent of one meal for the whole day. The day of the flight I eat normally, and that way I am not overloaded from the day before and feel a lot more comfortable during the flight. A pair of soft Croc-like shoes are very comfortable to wear during the flight, you can change into them after you board the flight, and you definitely need shoes and not just socks when you use the restroom (men splatter on the floor and there is a puddle sometimes). Bring a small pack of tissues just in case they run out of TP, and some hand lotion because skin usually gets dried out from the dry air. You are fortunate you have your family with you on the flight, I've flown 6 times by myself and if there is no one to talk to nearby it makes for a very long trip.

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