Monday, November 14, 2011

Right wing pundit: Virginia Tech victims lacked 'courage' in staying alive. Agree or disagree

Right wing pundit: Virginia Tech victims lacked 'courage' in staying alive. Agree or disagree?
Conservative John Derbyshire writes "Setting aside the ludicrous campus ban on licensed conceals, why didn't anyone rush the guy? It's not like this was Rambo, hosing the place down with automatic weapons. He had two handguns for goodness' sake—one of them reportedly a .22. At the very least, count the shots and jump him reloading or changing hands. Better yet, just jump him. Handguns aren't very accurate, even at close range. I shoot mine all the time at the range, and I still can't hit squat. I doubt this guy was any better than I am. And even if hit, a .22 needs to find something important to do real damage—your chances aren't bad. Yes, yes, I know it's easy to say these things: but didn't the heroes of Flight 93 teach us anything? As the cliche goes—and like most cliches. It's true—none of us knows what he'd do in a dire situation like that. I hope, however, that if I thought I was going to die anyway, I'd at least take a run at the guy.
Politics - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
agree. Kids are raised by our liberal school systems to be wussies.
2 :
Interesting how zero repugs speak up here about this. there were 3 right wing talk radio personalities that blammed this on the students!!!! But a collective silence from the people who listent and support these nut jobs! Shame on them.
3 :
I would have rather one person have done something to take him down when he started... Then maybe less people would have died? What is your case? If I seen someone shooting up my friends and peers I would probably think of doing something... Especially if I seen the gun being ready to point my way. Fear is a factor though. He had the benefit of surprise. You can't outrun a bullet...
4 :
Would you rush a guy who just barged into your German class shooting? How do you know if he didn't run back out of the classroom to reload? Do you know all the details? He caught those people off-guard, anyone would have been shocked and probably unable to move. Don't say that these kids were cowards, the people that are obviously haven't been put in a situation like that, nobody knows what it was like besides the few that survived that class, and the one I saw on the news could barely explain what was going on without almost breaking down. C'mon people, have a little respect.
5 :
How about I put him in a room with a gun wieding maniac and see how fast he "disarms" him. Typical blame the victim mentality of the radical right wing.
6 :
Yeah, like this buttmunch would be the guy attacking a gunman. He'd be cowering in a closet somewhere, praying to God Cho didn't find him.
7 :
Have you seen this man who would make others a hero? If he got any wimpier he'd evaporate. This is real life, not a comic book. There you are sitting in class, a little bored maybe, and then WHAM bullets, blood, screaming..... Its human nature to run, the men and women who kept Cho from killing even more are the heros. Not some Monday morning quarterback who admits he can't shoot for spit. He probably would have stomped on the back of a pregnant woman to get out first.
8 :
Like always, blame the victim. I remember this one story about a women who got raped. Bill Oreilly, instead of blaming the perpretator, blamed the victim. He said she was asking for it dressed the way she was.
9 :
Conflict resolution, in one form or another, is being taught to kids from the time they enter school. Fighting or using force is discouraged. We don't know what happened in there. Some of these rooms are theater shaped with the doors behind the students. Most classrooms usually have the door as the only exit (and windows). I think that's why some people jumped. He had them cornered off. I think he was shooting and running back out, running down to another room, shooting and running. If you think about a typical school you can do quite a bit of damage before a group of people rallied and rushed you. We'll find out more later. When you're faced with a psycho and a gun it's impossible to predict how you would react. We're going to hear that some students did try and stop him.
10 :
We have been taught not to take the law into our own hands, even in self defense. We are to flee, hide, or pray while waiting for the 'proper authorities' to come save us. And we are taught that only backwards and uneducated people own guns for self defense. All in preparation for the day when it's the 'proper authorities' who are attacking us. Don't blame them. I'm sure they did the best they could under the circumstances.
11 :
Libtard troll.
12 :
God I love those guys. They make it so easy to ridicule them it almost isn't fair. My favorite is O'Riley, he once said that a boy who had been kidnapped and sexually abused for five years didn't leave his captor because his life was better there than at home.

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