Saturday, April 7, 2012

Am i decreasing my chances by opting for a phone interview

Am i decreasing my chances by opting for a phone interview?
I had an initial phone interview for an organization in Massachusetts and have been invited for the second/final round. They offered me the option of a phone interview or to come in. It will be a panel interview regardless. I live in Virginia and a plane flight and day off of work will be tight. She said they are interviewing people all over the country, some of those who live far away have opted to take the phone interview, it's completely up to you. ALSO...I have previously met the director of the position in a professional manner in our previous jobs. So, I seriously decreasing my odds? Is it worth it to bite the bullet and fly up there? Can I offer a web-teleconference? Thanks!
Other - Careers & Employment - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
As an employer here is my take. Anyone who shows the initiative to come in, in person wll be heads above those who do not want to put forth the effort to "get" the job. That is just me but you would not even be in the running if others showed up in person EVEN IF you were more qualified.
3 :
i wouldn't say so much as decreasing your chances as not increasing your chances. i think most people would take the phone interview, so you would be sorta lumped in with them. not a bad thing. but to be the guy that took a day off work and hopped on a plane just to come in to our company for an interview, that would seriously increase your chances.
4 :
Either way you decide to go, do your best. I would be curious to know the out come. All the best!!

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