OMG Please Help Im Traveling By Air. Advice over here please?
Okay Im finally going to Virginia This Sat! in the morning my flight leaves around 8. And this is the first time in my life where i have to be on a plane by myself without my parents. Im Soo scared and I dont know if ill forget something. or ill just panic on the plane because im going to be up soooooo high in the sky. =( What should i take with me to let go of the fear! I know that im taking my ipod and listen to music. My Flight is a couple of hours from FL. Please help me calm down! Thanks I would love you for the rest of my life!!
Air Travel - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Practice breathing exercises. That always helps me.
2 :
go buy some andromean it makes you sleep on flights.
3 :
Also take a book or magazines to read. Some food would be good - granola bars or pretzels...... in case you get delayed somehow. Take some gum to chew for the take off. It will help the pressure in your ears. Look out the window at the cool earth below!!
4 :
I just flew to virginia for my first time (on an airplane that is).. you'll be fine, i was worried too! i got on the plane and everything was fine. just relax and take a small snack with you, and just listen to your iPod. but make sure to turn it off when they advise you to! if your scared of heights don't look out the window, just breathe in and out whenever u get nervous, and i'd reccoment breathing in n out when the plane takes off and lands, it just relieves all the stress,nervousness, and you being worried.
5 :
The drive to the airport is much, MUCH more dangerous than the flight. The odds that anything will happen is EXTREMELY low. Take comfort in the safety record of US airlines. You'll be fine.
6 :
you'll be fine, i just took my first flight by myself this summer. Your parents (or at least one of them) will be able to go with you to the gate, just ask for a pass for them when you check your bags. bring a small carry on with you, one that you can tuck under the seat so that you can get your stuff easily and dont have to worry about putting it overhead. put some food in there incase you get hungry (remember you cant bring any liquids past security, so buy something once you get past it. and no liquids includes cosmetics). if you are afriad of the take off or landings, have something else to do because you cant listen to your ipod then. just keep yourself distracted, dont think about flying. try to sleep if you can, its a great way to take your mind off of things
7 :
Don't worry you are not alone! I have the same problem. I figured out that if you get to scared you will forget what it is gonna be like when you get there. You are going to have fun where you are going. Also don't get all stressed out about this because then you will end up like me making a checklist so I don't forget anything. So just don't sleep at all on friday so then you will sleep all the flight there. And enjoy your flight!
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