Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Any one know any airline deals

Any one know any airline deals?
I'm wanting to fly to Virginia to visit my sister and it seems to be less expensive if i fly into washington dc. I want to leave around the 25 July and come back on either the 29 or 30. I can't find any tickets under 350. Any one know any way to get a cheaper ticket. I've put in everything in the search, red eye flights flexible dates, everything. I still can't find a cheap ticket. I can only pay alittle over 200. I know it's bad timing with seasons but i haven't seen her in forever. Let me know if you have any tricks for cheap tickets. THANKS EVERYONE i'm flying from san diego and my sis live in virginia beach. Washington Dc is only 2 hours from where she is so i was looking there.
Air Travel - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 : .. see if they do anything .. or southwest .. but go directly to their webpage .. maybe ..
2 :
You can always try the Travelocity, Expedia, cheap seats websites. I would try to book ASAP.....the closer to the date the more money you are going to have to shell out. Best of Luck!!
3 : type in ur itenerary and it will search for the best deals through every site....there are great deals!!!!!
4 :
You can find a list of great cheap travel sites at
5 :
Can't do much for you without knowing where you need to travel from. Update your question to add this key detail. Also, which part of Virginia? Dulles is 4 hours drive from Roanoke; 3.5 hours drive to Norfolk, and 4 hours to Virginia Beach. If flying further south than Richmond, it would probably be better to fly in to one of those airports. Please update your question to add the key details, and I'll check back later and try to answer with more specifics that should help you.
6 :
see: marking the "nearby airports" feature!!! and get you into "fare alerts"

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