Thursday, June 21, 2012

Scared to fly

Scared to fly?
My husband and I are planning on flying soon. I have always been scared to fly. On our last flight (a year ago for your honeymoon) I had an anxiety attack on the way home from the Dominican Republic. We landed in ATL and I refused to get back on a plane so we took a car from Atlanta to Virginia Beach, Va. Way to start off a marriage, huh? I really need advice on what to do to not make myself all worked up over flying. I want to try flying again because I love to see places and the fact that my husband works for a airline and we fly for FREE...I think I really need to get over this fear! Any suggestions? Drinking? Medications? Anything?? Thanks!
Air Travel - 1 Answers
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First off, try not to worry or be nervous. I know that seems hard not to, but the more you worry and the more nervous you are, the scarier it'll be. Since your husband works for an airline, he should be able to let you meet the captain and co-pilot and see the cockpit before the flight. He could also introduce you to the FA's before the flight as well. This might help to alleviate your fears. While on your flight, to entertain yourself: - Bring along a few book, magazines, puzzles (such as crosswords or Sodoku if you like those). - Bring along an iPod, MP3 player, or CD player to listen to music. - A laptop is good to have as you can play games on it, connect to the internet, and get any work done that you may have. (You have to have a WIFI card in the laptop to connect to the internet and the airline will charge you a fee for the service) - Try talking to the people next to you. Sometime you will meet some really interesting people, and forge friendships. Here are some pictures of the last time I flew in the cockpit with my husband. Maybe seeing the pilots work and remembering that they have families will help you. Here's the blog about the trip: Here's the pictures of the trip: If you need someone to talk to, or need more advice, I'll be happy to help, contact me anytime.

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