Friday, September 7, 2012

can we take food on a plane to California

can we take food on a plane to California ?
can we take food on a plane to California ? were flying from virginia to los angeles and its a 6 hour & a half flight long. & were not sure if we can take fod cause you know in ca i dont think they do cause they have like all the fruits and stuff but yea... thanks a MILLION ;D
Packing & Preparation - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i think you can. Just put it in your backpack. But I doubt it. It might be illegal to have your own food on the plane because they want to sell food.
2 :
you cant take outside liquids but anything else is fine, unless its illegal!
3 :
I've taken snacks with me on a plane that I had brought from home. You can only take liquids on board that you have purchased once you've crossed security. I would think, though, a 6 hour flight that you would get a meal served to you.
4 :
yes, you can take food. but there are some foods you can't take. (check sources for a link to a website that says what you can and cannot bring) yes, you can bring fruit! but no liquids of any kind. (unless there in a ziplock bag in a container with 3 fluid oz. or less) just buy water (or whatever) after security. i don't think you will get a meal anyways if you are flying economy class. but you will get a few snacks and beverage cart run-throughs. so snack away! lol

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