Friday, September 14, 2012

I'm going to be traveling as a Unaccompanied minor.... NEED HELP! please answer all parts of the question!

I'm going to be traveling as a Unaccompanied minor.... NEED HELP! please answer all parts of the question!?
okay so im going to be leaving in 8 days to go to Virginia to go see my cousin and also my boyfriend, they live 4 hours apart so ill be flying from my cousins to his house as an unaccompanied minor. im 15 years old and ill be using US Airways. on the website for US Airways it says that... ** Children 15-17 may travel unaccompanied on non-stop and connecting flights without US Airways assistance. *** Children 15-17 who require US Airways assistance may travel unaccompanied on non-stop flights only. There is an additional $100 fee each way. Uniformed employees provide assistance for children traveling alone from the point of departure to their final destination. Personnel are not qualified to provide certain types of medical assistance, and are not permitted to administer or dispense medication. Please take these points into consideration if the child requires specialized care. For my flight ill be leaving from Roanoke Virginia and flying to Philadelphia and then i have to switch flights and go from Philadelphia and go into Yorktown Va... they are both question is do i fall under the category of an unaccompanied minor without needing assistance? **Also i dont need a parent to be there with me in order to be able to fly right? Because ill be with my cousin ** Will my birth certificate and my school ID be okay to prove who i am since i dont have a passport or my license yet?
Health & Safety - 3 Answers
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1 :
Check with the airline to see what they require for identification. I don't know if they accept your school ID or not for a picture ID. That way you know you are covered. My advice is to be careful and be aware of what is going on around you. Don't fill your ears with music. There are some terrible people out there and you will look easy because you are young. In the airport, don't talk to strangers and if someone approaches you, stay away from them and head for someone that works for the airport. After saying that. . .you will be fine. Just mind your own business. If you need assistance or need to know something, stick to airport employees and away from strangers. Most folks are pretty nice but just to be careful, stay away from them too. It's so sad you have to be that careful but in this day and age, it so pays to be careful. . .where ever you go. Always look around and keep tabs on those around you and what isgoing on. It's good everyday advice too. Have a good trip and a great adventure. At 15 you have a alone or ask for help and pay more. Your choice. Flying is actually very simple. Get a window seat. Get your boarding tickets online and get their early so you are upfront in the line. Airline attendants are very helpful. . oh and put a snack in your purse. And carry a days clothing with you in case they lose your luggage. . and your toothbrush and toothpaste in a carry on. You can call and ask the airlines most anything. They are there to be helpful and will be.
2 :
Please enjoy this first experience. If you tell the flight attendant this is your first trip, they may give you some plastic wings. I did that and still have them. I was scared, too, but it's OK to be nervous about something so different. Soft drinks and juices are free. The flight attendants come around with this little beverage cart. They will give you this puny plastic cup. So ask for two glasses with ice and the whole can of soft drink. An adult, your parent, will put you on the plane and then meet you at your final destination. Be sure you always ask someone at the airport about your questions. They do this all day, so it's part of their job. You can bring a cell phone and call your mom or dad, or sibling, to talk you through the airport (You are required to turn off your cellphone on the plane) You will likely have to walk some distance between planes. After leaving Plane Number 1, you go look at the overhead screen that has all the flights on it. There will be one for Arrivals and one for Departures. You want the one for Departures. You are looking for the next flight and the gate it leaves from. Match the information on your ticket to the information on the Departure Board. Find your new gate before your eat, shop, or use the restroom. This saves you time really. Your luggage will be checked through to your destination. Keep your luggage tag safe. Confirm that your flight and destination are correct on the luggage tag before the luggage leaves your sight. When you stay on the same airline, your walking will be much shorter between planes. There might be an announcement on the plane about connecting flights and gates. These days, every airline makes you change planes incessantly. Wasn't always like this, but it's a fact of life now. Your school ID is perfect. Must be a photo ID. I like to print two copies of my travel itinerary and ticket. If one gets lost or stolen, then I have a backup so my plans are not ruined.
3 :
Yes you may travel alone on that flight that has a connection in Phillie...since their policy says 15-17 year olds may travel alone on non-stop AND on connecting flights. You do not need an adult to check you in or anything else. In the US/ 15 year olds travel as full adults on all airlines. You are not required to have any I.D. since Tsa rules for I.d. do not apply til you are 18. It is wise to have I.D. and your school I.D. is fine to carry.

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