Saturday, August 14, 2010

What to wear on a 5 hour flight

What to wear on a 5 hour flight?
In spring i'm going from Virginia to Arizona. Virginia will be chilly and AZ will be pretty warm. last year i wore jeans and a hoodie and it was pretty comfy (the jeans were OK) but this year i don't have that comfy hoodie so i'll definately wear my North Face. oh and its a 5 hour non-stop flight. so what's your opinion on plane attire?? suggestions??
Air Travel - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I would check out what the weather will be like in Arizona. Dress in layers because it can get chilly on the aircraft. Also since you are going to be on the plane for quite sometime, make sure you wear something comfortable.
2 :
I'm one for being smartish on planes... If it's a long long flight (like Sydney to London) then I'll wear an open neck suit, so long as the pants are comfy... If it's more informal, ie not work or for a longer trip then I'll just wear a pair of pants or jeans and a shirt, jumper over the top... And I always wear proper shoes, not thongs or sneakers or anything like that... But if it's a long flight I'll put on the PJ's they give you after I've eaten then get changed just before landing...

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