Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why should guys fear bad guys as at Virginia Tech

Why should guys fear bad guys as at Virginia Tech?
Why is it that guys do no oppose a killer like the one at Virginia Tech? It seems common for bad guys to hurt the weak and guys do nothing. Many could have been saved had guys at least tried to rush the killer; I doubt he could have taken them all out. This worked for the men who rushed the killers on 9-11 on the flight over PA. Why don't guys typically respond this way? Is that a bad thing to attack in order to protect others? I was a paratrooper in the Army who spent days shooting pistols as a weapons specialist. Believe me, if you are up against 10 unarmed guys in close quarters after you, there is no way you can kill them all before they take you out.
Law & Ethics - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I tell you what, get some of your buddies and we can lock ourselves in a classroom, I will have two handguns, fully loaded, you guys can rush me all you want. I am willing to bet I will walk out of that room and you will not. Handguns like the glock are too deadly to allow anyone to buy over the counter, they should be for police and security forces only.
2 :
So, your suggesting an unarmed college student rush an armed psychopath? Umm the logic is a bit off there. I also point out that many students barricaded doors and helped other students to get out of the building. One professor was shot to death while blocking the door - to protect his students. There were plenty of heroes at Virginia Tech. Something in my heart tells me that RA who was killed in the first shooting was trying to protect that poor young girl - and he too is a hero. I am not a fan of gun control - but I have to add that I agree that a Glock semi has no business in the hands of the general public. A self-defense hand gun does not need to be a semi automatic weapon, and therefore there should be more control over them.
3 :
If I was there, I would have jumped out of my chair and started beating some a s s!
4 :
No one had time to respond. He just walked in and started shooting.
5 :
The 9/11 highjackers didn't have guns, and the plane crashed killing everyone aboard, how did it work?
6 :
You live in a wierd fantasy world sweety. Life is not like the movies.
7 :
This makes as much sense as saying he did it because Sanjaya hadn't been voted off American Idol yet. One more week and they all would have been saved... I'll lock you in a room w/ a maniac and a gun in your face, you'd probably wet your pants not rush him.
8 :
this ain't the movies so you are not gonna find many people willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. Funny how people will say one thing but when the situation arises they react differently. Instinctively, you tell yourself to find safety for yourself and YOUR immediate loved ones. Under duress, your forced to make that decision in a split second and 99% of the people you know would take cover. It doesn't make them any less a hero than that person who tried to do something. P.S. Open your eyes---United 93 was shot down...
9 :
It didn't have to be guys, girls could have done it too. There are too many variables to answer that question completely. 1. They were holding out hope that it could end peacefully. 2. It happened too fast. 3. A guy knows that he needs other people to go with him, because he could not do it alone. 4. Waiting for a chance to take action such as he needed to reload. 5. Fear of death or harm. 6. They are young (in general) and have never thought it through before hand. No, it is never a bad thing to attack to protect others. Of all of the ways to perish, that is the most noble.

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