Friday, January 14, 2011

Virginia Tech - Isn't it a bit soon to have this service on tv

Virginia Tech - Isn't it a bit soon to have this service on tv?
I am watching this as I write, and I am surprised that they are having a "service" 24 hours later... isn't that a bit soon? I mean, some family members could barely get a flight that quickly, and being busy with funeral arrangements probably can't all make it to this service. It is surprising to me that the President is there and this was all arranged within 24 hours of it happening. Amazing what can be done so fast... I just feel that people have barely grasped what has happened yet, and already they are having this service, it seems too soon to me, what do YOU think? p.s what a sad sad day it was yesterday, I am really grieving for all the friends and family that are left to cope with the aftermath and losses.
Current Events - 14 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's never too soon to mourn the loss of a loved one.
2 :
I agree!
3 :
I got the same feeling, seems way too soon, more like a publicity thing than a real acknowledgment of what happened.
4 :
I think it was done more for the student of VT than anyone else. But, I think the President should have waited and let the government arrange a private service for the families of the victims and should have spoken at that. But, there's no positive publicity in private services.
5 :
Yes, I had thought the same thing. Why so soon? An assembly for the students, yes, but it is too soon for a memorial service. Perhaps Bush was nostalgic for the leadership image that people imputed to him after 9/11.
6 :
I think it's fine. This could be put together in 24 hours because it's so close to Washington D.C. It gives the students an outlet and that is important right now.
7 :
I agree... I live close to blacksburg and it is a sad day for all of us But its not the only serivce in our area that is going on there are plenty including the candlelight at the drillfield tonight People are right its never to soon to mourn for the death people... I think its the right thing to do
8 :
I think that today's 'service' at Virginia Tech is 'just perfect' because it's FOR THE STUDENTS and the PEOPLE WHO WORK IN THE SCHOOL, not for the 'families' of those killed ... but since there may be 'both' there, having it 'sooner' rather than later actually 'frees up' both time and 'energy' to 'take care of everything' ... from arranging for 'movement of the bodies' to getting rid of their 'stuff' from their rooms or apartments ... but TODAY, most people are just going to need 'time to stop and think and pray' for those who died yesterday ... and I'm glad that President Bush is there today, and that the Gonzales hearings have been 'postponed' at least in part because of this 'tragedy' ... it's not as 'many' people dead as 9/11, but the whole country was 'affected' and needs time to 'mourn, pray, and think about the future' perhaps just a little bit 'differently' ... and this 'service' at the school is just a 'tender first step' on a very 'long and difficult journey' for EVERYONE who has any connection to that school.
9 :
I don't think it's too soon at all...this is a memorial service for everyone - the school, the community, the country even to honor those lost to yesterday's tragedy. Inidividual, private funeral services will come soon enough.
10 :
The students need this now-they need to have a symbolic act to show that the tragedy of yesterday has some closure to it and the first part of this terrible event is over. It is a chance for them to gather and remember those lost and start to see the reality of the situation after some shock is worn off. I would hope that the tv people will leave after this. Let the campus try to recover with out a camera on every corner. As for Bush attending-I don't feel he is needed for this. If he goes and talks to the families and leaves-good, just don't turn this into a speech and don't talk about any other issues (war, attorney gen).
11 :
I wish I could believe that this was being done for the benefit of the families, friends and students/ faculty of the Virginia Tech victims. But -- it really feels more like a combination political "opportunity" and media circus. (I sure hope I'm wrong!) My heartfelt sympathy goes out to the family and friends of all affected by this tragedy.
12 :
They need the support. Besides and I dont mean to sound cold, but the bodies are part of an investigation... they wont get them for a bit. They need to start the grieving process... Besides I think this is mostly for students and staff... some of the family is there. I doubt this will be the last televised service.
13 :
I think it is a bit too soon for a Memorial Service, considering they still have a crime scene they have to evaluate to try and determine the circumstance of events leading up to the fatal shootings. It was my understanding that the coroner is still determining identity of some of the victims due to the magnitude of their gun shot wounds. The poor families of the victims will need to fly out there and identify their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and in their condition following their fatal shooting. This is a tragedy. A horrific tragedy. I want to add that I am very appalled at the people out there who find this event humorious, and say so on this site. You should not only be ashamed of your attitude and behavior, but be reported for abuse on this site. I hope you never have to experience this absolute sad and terffifying loss in your lifetime. With that being said, my heart and prayers go out to all of the victims and families.
14 :
I agree with you... it all seems to be too rushed... I'm not saying that it's too early to mourn... I just think that people need more time... and having president there makes things probably even more complicated ( => his security)...

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