Saturday, May 21, 2011

What should i wear to go visit my college. can someone put me an outfit together please.

What should i wear to go visit my college. can someone put me an outfit together please.?
What should i wear to go visit my college. can someone put me an outfit together please.? i need an out fit to wear to go visit my college in virginia wear it is cold. I need something comfy for a plane flight and hour car drive. i can definity walk in when looking around the campus.
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Grey sweater dress cinched with a chunky black belt, black opaque/coloured tights & either flats/knee high boots.
2 :
YES!!! my type of question cause I live in Va, so I know how to dress here. I would say some nice jeans probably dark wash and no holes, some nice flats, a simply and clean shirt, and a coat, a pea coat if you have one. It's sounds nice and put together ,but comfy.

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