Tuesday, February 14, 2012

what should i wear to go visit my college. can someone put me an outfit together please.

what should i wear to go visit my college. can someone put me an outfit together please.?
i need an out fit to wear to go visit my college in virginia wear it is cold. I need something comfy for a plane flight and hour car drive. i can definity walk in when looking around the campus.
Fashion & Accessories - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you are just visiting (not doing an interview) I recommend sneakers for all of the walking, jeans or khakis, and sweater with a nice T-shirt underneath. Make sure that you keep checking the weather reports for the area by going to www.weather.com. You want to be comfortable but still look presentable (no sweatpants and flip flops...even though that seems to be the standard uniform for college students when I was a college student).
2 :
Hey! I would suggest wearing something comfy, yet cute! This is a link to my blog and if you go down to the first post I have a whole post about fall fashions and cute, yet semi casual outfits for different things :) emlovesbeauty.blogspot.com

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