Tuesday, February 21, 2012

what should i wear to go visit my college. can someone put me an outfit together please.

what should i wear to go visit my college. can someone put me an outfit together please.?
i need an out fit to wear to go visit my college in virginia wear it is cold. I need something comfy for a plane flight and hour car drive. i can definity walk in when looking around the campus.
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Basically, just wear khaki pants, a sweater, a warm jacket, and walking shoes. There is no reason to dress up, however, you want to look presentable just in case you end up meeting someone in admissions. (Even if you don't have an interview or appointment, you could very well bump into someone and you want to make a good impression.) They do not expect you to be really dressed up though, because you obviously have to walk a lot.
2 :
Since the name "Sam" can be either male or female, I'll cover both. Does your college visit require an interview for admission? If that is the case, plan on business casual (khaki pants/skirt, sweater, button-down dress shirt, loafers/flats). Nothing revealing. Nothing with holes. Clean cut. DO NOT WEAR HIGH HEELS. Most likely your visit includes a tour and you need to be able to keep up. Consider that you're walking all over campus, through an airport terminal, and your feet will thank you. If not, wear whatever you want. As an admissions representative for four years, I have seen it all. If I were to suggest something that won't make the college's eyebrows go up, I would suggest a comfy pair of jeans (nothing skin-tight) without holes, comfortable shoes (sneakers are fine), sweater/sweatshirt, again, nothing revealing. No midriff showing, no skin-tight clothing, cover up the tattoos initially, those kinds of things. Then, when you get accepted, go hog wild! :) Wear whatever you want whenever and however. :)

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